General terms and conditions

Please understand that we have to call your attention to the following points, to secure the booking for both parties:

Check-in time starts at 4:00 p.m. and check-out must be finished by 12:00 p.m.

Opening Times
Our receptions are available 24 hours every day.

Terms and conditions for room reservations (only in German language)
» Terms & conditions room reservations

For restaurant/banquet reservations and events separate terms and conditions are valid (only in German language):
» Terms & conditions restaurant/banquet

General terms

A cancellation is only valid after written reconfirmation of the hotel. Without written confirmation a cancellation is considered “not made”.

In case that the hotel – for whatever reason – is not able to provide the confirmed allocation of rooms and meeting facilities, the hotel reserves the right to transfer the event to another hotel of same category in the surrounding area. Furthermore, the hotel reserves the right to transfer the event to an equivalent meeting space with similar capacity within the hotel.

Force Majeure
Force Majeure releases both parties, the customer and hotel, from its contracted liabilities. Force majeure is referred to natural disasters, terror attacks, war, blockades, civil unrest, strikes, collapse of essential services and complete discontinuation of airline industry (except due to weather conditions or strikes).
Failure to observe the general terms and conditions, the hotel reserves the right to deem the present contract as irrelevant with immediate effect and written notice.

Innsbruck is the court of jurisdiction and place of fulfilment. In case of delayed payment 5% default interest are charged. Austrian law applies as well as the Austrian General Terms and Conditions for Hotel Businesses (AGBH).

If spills go beyond the normal level of utilization, also after the departure of the guest, the hotel is entitled to charge the guest the cost of repair or replacement costs for cleaning.

Examining your credit card
The credit card will be checked by us prior to arrival to ensure its accuracy.

Remittances from abroad
For transfers from abroad transfer fees can not be booked at our expense. For transfers from abroad € 5,00 will be charged by the bank per transfer additionally.

§ 6 Provision of substitute accommodation
6.1 The Proprietor may provide the guests with adequate substitute accommodation (same quality) available if this is reasonable for the Party, particularly if the difference is insignificant and objectively justified.
6.2 An objective justification is eg given if the room (rooms) have become unusable (are), guests extend their stay, the establishment is overbooked or other operational measures give rise to this step.
6.3 Any extra costs for the substitute accommodation shall be paid by the Proprietor

TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE HOTEL INDUSTRY 2006 (AGBH 2006) – amended on 15.11.2006


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